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Recognizes Type Seeking Search Engine

The only equipment or facility utilized exploration to various data, information, and the knowledge in Internet is search engine or ordinary of we call search engine. Search engine is a program which can be accessed through Internet which its the function is assist computer user to look for matters which wish to be known it.

In Internet, there is hundreds search engine which can be accessed freely. Because the function is alike gateway to all user before entering situs or certain website, many mans who is mentioning search engine as portal ( compares to function of portal in fact frequent of we meet in entrance to a real estate). From so much search the engine, which most popular between it is Google, Yahoo, and Altavista. Writer suggests that the newbies to utilize Google for practice to do technique searching in Internet. Third this search engine can be accessed through address,, and with the application of browsing like Internet Explorer or Netscape.

Although has function that is same approximately, every search engine has characteristic to differ in. Things differentiating one search engine with search other engine between it is seeking speed, information accuracy, amount site searched, seeking technique, format result of seeking, and others. To facilitate practical study and reason, hence we choose Google for example. However, in some our Cases also will utilize other search engine, especially when studying seeking facilitys that is is not made available in Google.

Information Screening Technique

Because so the many available information in Internet, hence frequently happened phenomenon that is often is called as information overloaded ( information floods uncontrollably). Beholds for example someone which wish to look for information with keyword school or school. He confusion would because the seeking will yield hundreds of thousand even millions of site related to the word. In consequence, techniques there must be specially must be mastered that an internet user can obtain information which really relevant with the requirement. There is two base techniques which we able to utilize when doing searching, that is :

1. Applies Mathematics Symbol.

2. Applies Symbol Boolean.

Filterisation with Mathematics Symbol

A real first symbol good for seeking with search engine is plus symbol (+). a netter can apply plus symbol if we like to looks for documents loading keyword multiple,the example if an instructor or participant educated wishing

knows information about population of teacher in london, hence the can look for it by using keyword:

+ population + teacher + london

When receiving enters with such format, search engine will look for various documents and also article loading population word, teacher, and london
in all internet network. If there is a documents which only contain one or wrong two of third the word, hence the documents no
will be presented. Interesting other example is an actor which wish to look for relevant information with artistry case in Jakarta in the year 1970. With

exploits sign “+” the, can enter searching key with format like following:

+ jakarta + artistry + program + 1970

This way of course far more effectively is compared to by using searching london, Jakarta, artistry or population only, which result of its would in the form of millions of link to site is containing the words.

Symbol “+” this can be utilized as much as possible, because principle that is frequently utilized in searching in Internet is that increasingly specific searched ( more and more using sign “+”) means increasingly good also a seeking. With searching key which increasingly specific, result presented by search engine would more focused.

Filterisation with Symbol Boolean

Symbols boolean many utilized by them having reasoning of computer science or accustomed access data base system ( database) conventional. Marginally, some symbols boolean which is important, that by some circles is assessed has too ancient and era under developed, actually have been represented with mathematics symbols like the one has been explained before all. Excess from symbol boolean is this symbol representation of seeking type can which pertained complex because having addition symbols. Following is some important symbols frequently utilized by the netter to assist seeking process. First symbol is word OR ( contains understanding “ or” in Indonesian). This symbol works in the same way with space character at mathematics symbol. If someone did seeking with searching key archipelago of OR nusantara hence search engine will look for all documents containing archipelago word, or nusantara, or containing both the words. In one event seeking, said OR can be utilized several times, for example:

king OR president OR leader of OR dynasty

which will present voucher register having one or more king word, president, leader, or dynasty ( including combination between the 2-4 wordses). The next symbol having function of approximately equal to plus symbol at mathematics symbol is AND, translatable as word “ and” in Indonesian. Example of usage of this symbol is as follows:

science AND knowledge of AND nature

Search engine receiving input like that will look for all documents in internet loading three fruit of word, that is science, knowledge, and nature in

depth. If in mathematics symbol model there is minus sign ( representation to except), hence in modeling symbol boolean there is word NOT for

representation of similar thing. a comand in symbol method boolean which is not is met its(the equivalent in mathematics symbol is NEAR. Function of this comand enough on uniques. To get picture about function of this symbol, pays attention to example following.

school NEAR yogyakarta

Above comand will instruct search engine to look for documents containing school word and yogyakarta, where distance ( number of words among both the words) nearby. Equally, search engine will look for documents loading sentence like a school in Yogyakarta successfully gets relief fund from PBB or a student in Yogyakarta is found is confronting racing..”

or “ vocational high school in yogyakarta…

because school word distance and Yogyakarta at the sentences relatively nearby. Criterion bunchs up for each search engine usually differs in.