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USB Drive mouse year

Kingston® Technology Company, Inc., starts the year 2008 with DataTraveler special edition, a thumb drive 2GB dotted with by pattern Chinese painting above reasoning of gold. USB this drive only available in regional APAC in Chinese new year, in number limited.

Inspiration with Chinese zodiac, Kingston decorates DataTraveler 101 limited editions with mouse picture and Chinese character “ Wu-Zi”, to symbolise the year 2008. As first sequence from ke-12 Chinese horoscope, Year Mouse starts the zodiac medley and recuring every 12 years. Year Mouse symbolises hope, astuteness and intellegence. On that account, USB this drive dotted with mouse picture is having colour gold, becoming symbol from intellegence, good value, and profit, vanishs all tangis and distress in 2007, at the same time brings luck and peace in 2008.
Besides offering style, function, and price reached, DataTraveler 101 limited edition also compatibel full of specification of USB 20, what makes it can transfer data and documents swiftly and balmy. Equal to USB drive other Kingston, DataTraveler 101 Chinese New Year Limited Edition equiped with full warranty during five years.